Indiana Driver Licensing Laws
This information is presented here to help you navigate the licensing laws of your state. For the most up-to-date information always check your state's .gov website.

An individual subject to epileptic seizures may not be denied a license if the individual presents a statement from a licensed physician that the individual is under medication and is free from seizures while under medication. IND. CODE § 9-24-2-3(b) (2020). A restricted license may be issued as appropriate to assure safe operation. § 9-24-11-7. An individual's license may be revoked if a medical report is not submitted after a request is made for such a report by the Bureau or if the Medical Review Board finds the individual to be medically disabled based on the information contained in the medical report. IND. CODE § 9-24-2-3(a)(3) (2020). A person whose license is revoked for medical reasons is distinguished in the records from those that are suspended for driving violations. Judicial review of licensing decisions is available by petition to the circuit court or superior court of the county where the person resides. IND. CODE § 9-24-10-7(d) (2020).
Commercial Driving
Indiana has adopted the federal Department of Transportation's medical standards for licensing individuals to drive commercial vehicles interstate. Commercial driver’s license applicants for intrastate operation must pass a physical examination by the medical examiner. 140 IND. ADMIN. CODE 7-3-6.5 (2020). Persons with epilepsy may be licensed to drive taxis, buses or school buses if they have met the same criteria as for a personal vehicle license. However, school bus drivers are required to be free from any "mental, nervous, organic or functional disease which might impair their ability to properly operate a school bus." IND. CODE § 20-27-8-1(a)(7)(D) (2020).
Indiana Identification Card
Any resident of the state may apply to the Motor Vehicle Commissioner for an identification card. IND. CODE § 9-24-16-1 (2020). There is no fee for the issuance of an identification card for those who do not have a valid Indiana driver’s license and will be 18 years old by the next general, municipal, or special election. IND. CODE § 9-24-16-10 (2020).
Indiana Reporting
There is no requirement that physicians report people they diagnose or treat for epilepsy to the Bureau. However, there is a statute requiring that physicians and others who diagnose, treat, or provide care for persons with a disability to report the disabling condition to the state board of health within 60 days. IND. CODE § 16-40-1-2 (2020). Physicians, optometrists and nurses who have examined the patient within thirty days before making the report may not be civilly or criminally liable for a report concerning the patient’s fitness to drive made to the bureau, commission or medical advisory board. IND. CODE § 9-24-10-7.5 (2020). Indiana requires reporting of individuals with epilepsy or seizure disorders at the time of application or renewal of license. IND. CODE § 9-24-9-2(a)(5), (b)(7) (2020). A fine of up to $500.00 (class C infraction) may be imposed for failing to report. IND. CODE § 9-24-9-6 (2020).
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