#Aim for Zero Title Sponsor

Sponsorship Opportunities Available
Making a Difference Sponsor - $5,000
2 corporate foursomes
Premiere recognition of printed materials
Company logo on Golfer's Gauntlet banner
1/2 page ad in event program
Recognition on Epilepsy Foundation of Kentuckiana's website
Scorecard Sponsor - $1,500
Company logo printed on all Golfer's Gauntlet event scorecards
Recognition on printed materials
2 meals provided at presentation
$1,000,000 Hole-In-One Sponsor - $1,000
Company logo predominately displayed on the Hole-in-One Challenge hole
Recognition on printed materials
2 meals provided at presentation
Traditional Hole Sponsor - $150
Company logo will be prominently displayed on signage placed at a non-Gauntlet Challenge hole
Golf Towel Sponsor - $1,500
Company logo printed on each of the Golfer's Gauntlet cooling towels
Recognition on printed materials
2 meals provided at presentation
Golf Cart Sponsor - $1,000
Company logo printed on all Golfer's Gauntlet event golf carts
Recognition on printed materials
2 meals provided at presentation
Beverage Cart Sponsor - $750
Company logo printed on all Golfer's Gauntlet event beverage service carts/coolers
Recognition on printed materials
2 meals provided at presentation
To Reserve Your Sponsorship Level:
contact Cortney Johnson by April 30, 2025 at 502-907-1535 or cjohnson@efky.org
Foursome - $500
Register before April 30th or foursome fee increases to $550
One foursome with four tee prizes, four green fees, two carts, driving range, breakfast, and lunch
Reserved seating for four at meals and awards presentation
Complimentary sports/soft drinks and water); Two complimentary beer tickets
Reserve a Traditional Hole Sponsorship for an additional $100 (versus the regular fee of $150), allowing you to further promote your business in honor or in memory of a loved one with epilepsy